I have my very own website! I've had it for a short while and love it! It's very exciting to get my name out there. So go check it out if you haven't already!
Haley Hickman Photography
Also if you want to see a couple of my recent shoots check out my photo blog.
Haley Hickman Photography Blog
Also if you want to see a couple of my recent shoots check out my photo blog.
Haley Hickman Photography Blog
We are completely done with diapers!! Tanner is sleeping through the night with little to no accidents. It blows my mind how big he is getting. We signed him up for Pre-School and we are just praying he gets a spot in the class!
We didn't get orders to Alaska but we are still trying. Taylor says they need a rank higher than he is which he is testing for soon and they will take a rank lower. So who knows. New over seas listings came out and hawaii is on the list. I am beyond exhausted with this whole thing, I just want to get out of San Antonio Texas.
A while ago I signed Tanner up to be apart of the Littlest Heroes Project (a non-profit org made up of professional photographer that provide free photo session to family with children who suffers from any type of serious illness or life altering disability) and just last weekend we had our photo session with a photographer in Austin. We should have the pictures back soon so I will share them ASAP!
Like I mentioned in my previous post I am now a photographer for The Littlest Heroes Project! I am very happy to be apart of this organization and can't wait to meet with my first hero!
Still trying to figure out when we are going to make it home for a visit. Taylor is being extraordinarily difficult with the time and dates. So who knows if we will even make it this summer.
Speaking of Taylor his birthday is approaching and he is turning 22! We missed each others 21st since he was in Kuwait last summer so I'm excited to celebrate with him this year!

A few weeks ago Becky and I took the kids to paint pottery. They painted for about 2 minutes. So Becky and I rushed to finish ours!
I painted a bowl which I am in love with :)
Tanner painted a Windmill which he refers to as a "CooCoo Clock/Air Plane"

For Easter Taylor got me the piano I had been wanting!
I've been practicing Fur Elise and have got about 20 seconds of the song down :)

and Tay's guitar that I "gave" him for Easter ; )

Another Bench Monday picture.
I am soo spoiled. I told Taylor that I wish I had these boots for my bench monday picture. Well the next day he came home with them in hand. They were the wrong size but he drove me all around until we found the right size. He is such an amazing husband and treats me better than I deserve.
I guess I can keep the tittle as "Spoiled Brat."

So these are Tanner's TINY converses. They are a size 2! He wore them when he was just a year old!

Can you guess what size he is in now at 3!?! A size 9/10!!

After our session in Austin we stopped by Steak and Shake to get some milkshakes! The whole time we promised Tanner candy for every smile. Well he got some candy and a strawberry/banana milkshake!

Last week we took a trip to the Zoo! It was so nice to be out soaking up the sun. Tanner really enjoyed himself and we ended with a stop at the water area to cool off.

A while ago I got these small herb pots and they are growing nicely. I think they are at the point where the need to be in a larger pot. Which is what I might use my pot for :)

Wisdom Teeth Yikes! They are laying SIDEWAYS!

We are teaching Syd early!

Dexter still doing his thang!

And I'm ending with a cute little video. Pause the music at the bottom and enjoy :)
We didn't get orders to Alaska but we are still trying. Taylor says they need a rank higher than he is which he is testing for soon and they will take a rank lower. So who knows. New over seas listings came out and hawaii is on the list. I am beyond exhausted with this whole thing, I just want to get out of San Antonio Texas.
A while ago I signed Tanner up to be apart of the Littlest Heroes Project (a non-profit org made up of professional photographer that provide free photo session to family with children who suffers from any type of serious illness or life altering disability) and just last weekend we had our photo session with a photographer in Austin. We should have the pictures back soon so I will share them ASAP!
Like I mentioned in my previous post I am now a photographer for The Littlest Heroes Project! I am very happy to be apart of this organization and can't wait to meet with my first hero!
Still trying to figure out when we are going to make it home for a visit. Taylor is being extraordinarily difficult with the time and dates. So who knows if we will even make it this summer.
Speaking of Taylor his birthday is approaching and he is turning 22! We missed each others 21st since he was in Kuwait last summer so I'm excited to celebrate with him this year!

A few weeks ago Becky and I took the kids to paint pottery. They painted for about 2 minutes. So Becky and I rushed to finish ours!
I painted a bowl which I am in love with :)
Tanner painted a Windmill which he refers to as a "CooCoo Clock/Air Plane"

For Easter Taylor got me the piano I had been wanting!
I've been practicing Fur Elise and have got about 20 seconds of the song down :)

and Tay's guitar that I "gave" him for Easter ; )

Another Bench Monday picture.
I am soo spoiled. I told Taylor that I wish I had these boots for my bench monday picture. Well the next day he came home with them in hand. They were the wrong size but he drove me all around until we found the right size. He is such an amazing husband and treats me better than I deserve.
I guess I can keep the tittle as "Spoiled Brat."

So these are Tanner's TINY converses. They are a size 2! He wore them when he was just a year old!

Can you guess what size he is in now at 3!?! A size 9/10!!

After our session in Austin we stopped by Steak and Shake to get some milkshakes! The whole time we promised Tanner candy for every smile. Well he got some candy and a strawberry/banana milkshake!

Last week we took a trip to the Zoo! It was so nice to be out soaking up the sun. Tanner really enjoyed himself and we ended with a stop at the water area to cool off.

A while ago I got these small herb pots and they are growing nicely. I think they are at the point where the need to be in a larger pot. Which is what I might use my pot for :)

Wisdom Teeth Yikes! They are laying SIDEWAYS!

We are teaching Syd early!

Dexter still doing his thang!

And I'm ending with a cute little video. Pause the music at the bottom and enjoy :)
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